Sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz

Sculptural Coffee Table by Edward Rokosz
top view of sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz
Sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz
detail of Sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz. Evan Reid your source for Raleigh MCM furniture.
Sculptural Coffee Table by Edward Rokosz
top view of sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz
Sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz
detail of Sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz. Evan Reid your source for Raleigh MCM furniture.

Sculptural Coffee Table, Edward Rokosz


A true work of art. Hand drawn detail with built structure consisting of five tiers and many pyramid structures. This piece shows some wear and has some scratches and dents but is structurally sound and shows very well. Polish artist Edward Rokosz created only a few of these incredible sculptural tables while producing work in North Carolina in his mid-life. Rokosz passed in Poland in 2020.

48” by 60”, 25” high

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